Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cheap swill

Brewing some cheap lager beer today. I've got 5lbs of Pilsen DME, bags of backyard hops (cascade?), and buckets of trub from the schwartz beers. That and the basement is the right temperature for cold fermentation. Not so much lagering but hay, it's cheap swill right?

I'm hoping the Pilsen DME makes a nice straw colored beer. I threw in 0.5 lbs of carapils for head retention and it's magic properties. I'm not sure if a half was a good amount or if I should have went for a full pound. At a rate of 0.5lbs/ 5 gal, who knows if I'll even be able to tell it's there.

Another bonus, I'm doing it on the stove top like the olden days and the house smells so good!

Feb-brew-ary, too cold to go outside!

Stove-top brewing!

The first sip meets with approval.

Not bad for a stove-top brew.

0.5lb carapills
2lb Pils DME 60 min
2oz backyard hops 60min
4lbs Pils DME 10 min
Irish Moss 15 min

Brewed: 02/22/2019
Racked: 03/02/2019
Packaged: 05/01/2019

Pitch "washed" trub from schwartz. (this will be beer #3 for this batch of yeast.)

Stuck it in a snowbank to chill.

It tastes like... Miller Genuine Draft. It's nothing like Lite, High Life, Bud, Heineken (fresh not skunked), or Grain Belt. It tastes "cheaper" than Minnesota Gold or Surly Hell. Something about the backyard hops that is very familiar.

In the future, this will be the 10 gallon batch, it's very drinkable, and stronger than you'd think. I have no idea what the OG/FG are, tt wasn't that kind of brew day, but two pints in and it's doing a fine job.

- Ride North

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