1 cheap propane burner1 10 gal Mega Pot w/drain port
1 5 gal thin walled pot
Brew in the bag bags
hop bags (also used for steeping grains)
wort chiller
mash paddle and spoon
Digital thermometer
100 mL flask for yeast starters
3 5gal buckets, one with a drain port used for bottling.2 3gal buckets
1 plastic big mouth bubbler
zero glass vessels
misc bung and air locks
1 old dorm fridge for fermenting
1 big bucket + 150w aquarium heater for fermenting
A bank of yeast in 12oz bottles (need to clean this out, they can't all be winners).
12 and 22 oz bottles2 ball-lock kegs & accessories
CO2 tank and regulator
1 sm freezer turned fridge
1 bottling bucket w. line and wand
bottle drying rack
cleaners and sanitizers
"How to Brew" - John Palmer (copy #3)
"Brewing Classic Styles" Zainasheff & Palmer
"Microbrewed Adventures" -Charlie Papazian
"Radical Brewing" - Randy Mosher
"Tasting Beer" - Randy Mosher
"Classic Beer Style Series: Bock" - Darryl Richman
"Classic Beer Style Series: Vienna, Marzen, Oktoberfest" - Fix & Fix